Helloooo Guysss….
We miss you so much! For two months, we have been busy to renovate and move to our new house. A lot of things have been settled. Our house warming party also went very smoothly. Can you imagine how we prepared such a big job? Luckily we were not alone. Our family gave their very best support to help us. A million thanks were not enough to describe how thankful we were. Now, here we are, come back to our hobby to share with you guys on Batam culinary. Yippiieeee…. 🙂
Anyway, about last two weeks, Koran Sindo Batam called us to have an interview about Batam Dine. After three times re-schedule of appointment, finally we made it up last week. The reporter, Egi Dwitasari was a friendly girl. She was young, passionate, and beautiful! Unfortunately, we forgot to take a picture. Else, you may fall in love with her. Hehe.. Koran Sindo Batam posted our story on 29th Sep 2015. Here it is!

You know guys, this appreciation is just so amazing for us! Thank you so much for keep following our stories. Thanks for bringing us to this unforgettable life experience. Hope that we can return back your kind support by providing more information about Batam culinary and more give away.
Last but not least, stay tuned with us by following our social media below!
Till next time, enjoy your life and stay healthy..
-Mr. BD & Ms. BD-
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