Tag: Ayam Penyet



    Halo Batam Diners, Restoran baru ga henti-hentinya nongkrong di kota Batam yah. Bukan tiap bulan lagi, tapi hampir tiap minggu kita bisa cicipin restoran baru di Batam. Salah satu restoran adalah D’PENYETZ. Restoran franchise asal Singapura ini mulai beroperasi di Batam sejak 2 bulan lalu. Sekarang ini sudah buka di dua tempat, yaitu di Mega…

  • Nasi Uduk Jakarta @ New 100 Sea Food

    Nasi Uduk Jakarta @ New 100 Sea Food

    Halo Batam Foodies… Super long weekend is comiiinnnggg…… Olalaaa… We like it! 😀 Udah ada planning belum nih pada mau kemana? As for us, jadwal BD udah padet banget selama libur panjang kali ini, yaitu food hunting, travelling, have fun, sleep, and repeat! Hahaha…. Apapun rencana kalian, enjoy your very long holiday ya… Buat Batam…

  • Ayam Penyet Ria – BCS Mall

    Ayam Penyet Ria – BCS Mall

    Happy Friday Night Guys..   Weekend is so near to us. Almost every weekend, BD will go to shopping mall whether buying some stuff or just hang out there. Shopping mall is the choice for many people to spend their weekend time since usually you can find everything you need inside the mall. One of…