Tag: dessert
Hey Guys… BD ketemu satu restoran baru nih di kawasan Pasar Mitra Raya. Tempatnya eye-catching banget. Kalau lewat di depan Pasar Mitra Raya, pasti langsung keliatan deh dari jalan raya. Namanya Rapopo. Namanya Rapopo, tapi signature dish disini adalah ramen.. Bingung ga? BD juga bingung kog, alias penasaran, kenapa namanya Rapopo ya… Yuk kita tanya!…
Coffee Story Co.
Hello Batam Diners, How was your day? Was it fun? Boring? Surprising? We truly hoped that your day was beautiful and lovely! Why? Because you deserved to be happy and spirited! 🙂 Last Saturday, we went to Nagoya Hill and watched a movie called The Edge of Tomorrow. A little hint about this movie, can you…