Tag: mega mall



    Halo Batam Diners, Restoran baru ga henti-hentinya nongkrong di kota Batam yah. Bukan tiap bulan lagi, tapi hampir tiap minggu kita bisa cicipin restoran baru di Batam. Salah satu restoran adalah D’PENYETZ. Restoran franchise asal Singapura ini mulai beroperasi di Batam sejak 2 bulan lalu. Sekarang ini sudah buka di dua tempat, yaitu di Mega…

  • Sour Sally Mini @ Mega Mall Batam Center

    Sour Sally Mini @ Mega Mall Batam Center

    Hey Guys… If there is one place we miss right now, it will be Bandung, a lovely city of West Java with tons of unique culinary places. Bandung was a great place for culinary hunting. From the building view, every restaurant came with a unique exterior and interior design. As for taste, most of it…

  • Byza Cafe – Mega Mall Batam Centre

    Byza Cafe – Mega Mall Batam Centre

    Hello Buddy..   Just recently, we can see a new restaurant opened at Mega Mall Batam Centre and Kepri Mall. The name of the restaurant is Byza Cafe, with their slogan “Grands Prestige.” Looks like we have a high class restaurant here! Have any of you try this restaurant yet? Batam Dine decided to try…